Monday, September 13, 2010

I had wasted £8 watching Avatar: The Last Airbender

Just as the title, the movie was disappointing with so many errors I was surprised that it even made it to the big screen! I loved the original American Anime of Avatar: The last airbender, after 20 minutes of the first episode I was hooked! I would look forward for the next episode and are really sad that it finished after 3 seasons. Hence watching the movie was a big deal and I was eager to watch the film despite of all the bad ratings.

I was able to pinpoint the mistakes right from the beginning of the flim:

In the anime, the main character Aang are suppose to be cheeky, hyper, full of life and carefree; but the Aang in the movie is moody and depressl! Even the other characters like Ketara who is suppose to be the responsible and strong, were represented as weak and helpless in the movie. Her brother was suppose to be funny, sarcastic and are always the victim of comedy on his own expense was series, quiet and unfunny!

The worse part in the film is, all the actors and actress pronounced the Main character's name wrongly! He should be pronounced as A-ang not A-ing!

Error in explanation:
The reason why the Aang left the air temple was he freak out from finding out that he is the Avatar. In the film the reason was as an Avatar, he can't have a family of his own as they are distraction. This is very contradictory as in the anime you later will find out that the previous Avatar - Avatar Roku have a family of his own and one of his great great grandson was Prince Zuko itself!

In the anime, the race of the Fire nation is suppose to be Chinese; hence you can see alot of Chinese settings, customs and even the clothes are very traditional Chinese. In the movie however, all the people in fire nation are Indians! All of them wears traditional Chinese costumes and eat in Chinese food and tea! How confusing!!!

Usually when you do a live-film adaption of an animated series, fans would expect for you to film it to be as close to the original series as possible, however this is not the case! I seriously am suspecting that M.Night Shyamalan did thoroughly watch the original series when he wrote and directed the movie! Or he is just so talented in writing and directing that the movie is categorised as the worst movie ever made for this year!

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